Panama Reaffirms Commitment to Protecting the Oceans
As a member of The Blue Leaders, on the Opening Day of COP26, Panama signed the 3rd Because the Ocean Declaration, in which countries pledge to further advance ocean conservation. This commitment follows Panama’s accomplishment of reaching its 30×30 goal of conserving 30% of its territorial waters by 2030, a full nine years ahead of schedule.
The Declaration – described as “a plurilateral initiative in support of a multilateral ocean outcome at COP26” – calls for the adoption of a COP26 decision encouraging all Parties to the UN Climate Convention to integrate ocean-climate-biodiversity linkages in their plans to implement the Paris Agreement and to recognize the need for more ambition on all sides to tackle climate change and protect the ocean.
Signatories to the Declaration affirm that they will:
- Strive for the acceleration of efforts to phase out greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping.
- Further the development of clean offshore renewable energy sources, taking into account possible impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems.
- Advocate for strengthening public and private sources of support for climate adaptation and mitigation in the ocean, including with multilateral development banks, climate funds, Official Development Assistance, and other international Financial Institutions. And work with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to meet these goals and foster the exchange of knowledge and good practice.
More countries are expected to join the initiative throughout COP26.
Click here to download the 3rd Because the Ocean Declaration.